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Free Meta Tag Generator

Here are your Meta Tags 😊

What do I do with this?

  1. Copy this text ☝🏽 and add it to the <head> section of your webpage.
  2. Check that page is displaying as you expect using validation tools provided by Facebook and Twitter / X.
Congratulations your meta tags are now configured!

What are Meta Tags?

Meta tags play a pivotal role in how your website appears to readers, providing essential information to search engines and social networks about your web pages.

Every time your website is shared on Facebook, Twitter (err… I mean X!), or any other social network, your meta tags determine how your shared page looks.

Meta tags commonly specify the title, description, and preview image which is used when sharing. If you aren't specifying these then Facebook selects the best available default - which may be preventing casual readers from clicking on that shared link!

Where are meta tags used?

The reason you may not have heard of meta tags before is because they are not intended for humans like you and I.

They are hidden and not visible on website pages to most readers who visit your website.

Meta tags are only used by search engines and social networks as important information on how to display each of your website's pages.

They are included in what's called the <head> section of each webpage.

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JoyBird has this feature (and more!) enabled on all websites built with our Content Management System.

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